Cecropia peltata
Regnum : Plantae
Divisio : Spermatophyta
Sub Divisio : Angiospermae
Classis : Dicotyledoneae
Ordo : Urticales/Cecropiales
Familia : Urticaceae/Cecropiaceae
Genus : Cecropia
Species : Cecropia peltata L.
Vernacular name : Karimbi, Trumpet Tree,
Snakewood, Congo pump,
Wild pawpaw, Pop-a-gun
Habitus of this plant is tree.
This plant has a characteristic, namely Large, circular, and palmately lobed leaves.
This plant is also called a multipurpose tree, it can be collected from the wild for food, medicine and various other uses. Excellent vanguard species, sometimes also cultivated as ornamental plants in the tropics, are valued for their large, umbrella-shaped crowns of attractive leaves that feel silver underneath.
Distribution this plants Mexico, America, Africa, Asia, and Pasific.
Located in Zone 1 of UPI Botanic Garden.