Rhoeo discolor
Regnum : Plantae
Sub Kingdom : Tracheobionta
Divisio : Spermatophyta
Sub Divisio : Angiospermae
Classis : Monocotyledoneae
Sub Class : Commelinidae
Ordo : Commelinales
Familia : Commelinaceae
Genus : Rhoeo
Species : Rhoeo discolor Hance
Vernacular name : Sosongkokan,
Tumbuhan Adam Hawa
Habitus of this plant is tree. Plant height of about 40-60 cm. the stem is rough, short, straight, and brownish. Single leaf, oval, pointed tip, base of hugging stem, flat edge, length 25-30 cm, width 3-6 cm, top surface green, other surfaces brownish red. Compound flower, bowl shape, located in the armpit of the leaf, wrapped in a petal like a clam, cylindrical benangsari, white lotus flower, yellow pistil head, triangular shape crown, three pieces, white flower crown. And this plant root fibers.
This plant has a characteristic, namely Different color of two side leaves; double spatha.
This plant also has several benefits, namely as ornamental plant.
Distribution this plants Southeast Asia.
Located in FPMIPA, FIP, FPIPS, UPI Library, FPBS.